Administration Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Keeping tabs on your Linux dedicated servers hosting package is really a hard and time–consuming process. It requires time, which you’d better spend on other things, such as making your website a lot better. If you take advantage of our Administration Services offer, we will be keeping track of your server. We have developed a special monitoring and notification mechanism, which will warn our admins automatically the moment anything goes wrong with your server. They will then look into the nature of the issue.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • When you are working with mission–critical data, it’s obligatory to maintain a backup of everything, especially if it’s your business data. This is why we offer a 50 GB off–server backup space with our Administration Services solution. You’ll be able to save all the vital data on a different backup server with RAID hard disks that belongs to the very same network. This will render the backup procedure faster than the speed of light. And our knowledgeable sysadmins can help you set up an automatic system that will back up everything without you needing to raise a finger.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • It can be pretty discouraging if you would like to run a web app or a service on your Linux dedicated servers hosting package, but you just keep chancing upon difficulties. This is when our Administration Services solution can save your day – it includes installation and problem–solving tasks. It means that one of our very capable senior system administrators will be working thirty minutes exclusively on the problems that you have mentioned. You can request him to run a web application or a service, or to correct a problem that you keep observing. Or to upgrade your Linux dedicated servers hosting package Operating System.

Available with all Linux Dedicated Servers Hosting Packages