Inside the Titan Guard Cloud Hosting Online Control Panel you’ll find a fully–featured, well designed Databases Manager! Use it to enjoy total command over all your databases. It’s possible to simply configure new MySQL and PgSQL databases and supervise them through the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software tools, respectively.

A User–friendly User interface

The best database management user interface

Database management may sound like a difficult job to novice web hosting clients, nevertheless with Titan Guard Cloud Hosting’s Databases Manager, it’s in fact relatively easy! To configure a completely new database, you simply need to enter the username and password. Database backup copies are only a mouse click away too.Those who want to look into their databases and then update them can make use of the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin tools.

Hepsia File Manager

Simple and easy Database Backup

Database backup copies are a click away

With the Databases Manager it’s easy to make an archived backup of your database when you would like! Therefore, you are going to always have a backup of your operating information in the event your web site gets broken into or if you accidentally delete a database. To create a back–up: click on the ’clock’ icon alongside any database and afterwards simply wait for a few seconds for the backup process to be carried out.

There aren’t any boundaries on the volume of databases you are able to back up or the number of back–ups you can create for any database.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Assured reliability for your personal databases

PgSQL databases are less sought after in comparison to the standard MySQL databases. Having said that, they are a favored choice for programmers who are looking for the greatest stability for their websites and web applications. Due to the intuitive Databases Manager incorporated into the Titan Guard Cloud Hosting Control Panel, you can administer all of your PostgreSQL databases with a simple click of the mouse.

You will find PgSQL databases incorporated by default inside of the best Linux shared hosting packages packages. If you are with a regular hosting package, you are able to request PgSQL databases to be added to your account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The new face of MySQL

The MySQL databases on Titan Guard Cloud Hosting’s web servers use the latest release of the InnoDB storage engine. InnoDB is made to guarantee the optimum functionality for web sites that process big volumes of data. It grants CPU performance that can not be matched up by other different disk–based relational database engines.

InnoDB is ACID–compliant and provides 100% transaction support, so that it’s possible to update/insert/create/alter/drop repeatedly for one "operation" of your app. In addition, it utilizes row–level locking in lieu of MyISAM’s table–level locking, that boosts multi–user concurrency and performance.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

In depth stats for all your databases

Checking the load accumulated by the databases for your busy site assists you to stop all sorts of overload troubles that can slow it down and chase away website visitors. For this purpose, we have included a complete Database Stats tool within the Online Control Panel. There you can see extensive information on the inbound requests to your databases for each and every hour, day and month.

In line with the quantity of daily and per hour queries, it will be easy to find out what databases are utilized the most as well as consider procedures to enhance their work.

Hepsia File Manager